CLIHTF Self Certification Policy

Chicago Low-Income Housing Trust Fund Self Certification Notification

If all or a portion of the income of a potential or existing subsidized household cannot be verified by any other acceptable documentation of income, an Owner may instead be permitted to collect and submit a signed and notarized self-certification affidavit from such household attesting to the portion of the household’s income that is not able to be verified.  All other household income must still be verified by the collection of acceptable documentation of income.

The Owner must make every effort to obtain traditional forms of income verification before submitting a request to use a self-certification of income affidavit.  All requests for self-certification of household income will be subject to review by the Trust Fund, and the Trust Fund reserves the right to require that additional steps be taken to attempt to verify the household’s income prior to accepting any self-certification(s) of income. Households who self-certify all or a portion of their income must be informed that they will still be held to all program compliance requirements.

For more information about CLIHTF’s Self Certification policy, please refer to the RHS Acceptable Forms of Income Verification, as well as the rental Housing Support Program Self Certification Notification below.

Please view Rental Housing Support Program Self-Certification Notification here

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