Welcome to the Chicago Low-Income Housing Trust Fund Website.

The Future at CLIHTF

Explore our 5-Year Plan to continue our support for low-income residents and strengthening our communities.

Open Enrollment is Currently Closed

Programs & Initiatives

RSP (Rental Subsidy Program)  |  MAUI (Multi-year Affordability through Upfront Investment)

Serving Chicago for Over 35 Years

January 2025 Landlord of The Month


Prospective Tenants

Property Owners

Social Service Agencies

Referral Form for Housing Partners, Service Providers and Tenant Relocations

Trust Fund Central Owner’s Portal

CLIHTF Customer Satisfaction Survey




“Without you guys [CLIHTF], I don’t know where me and my family would be right now… I want to give a very special shout out to Annissa, you are my guardian angel, you are beautiful inside and out, and I love you, and I never even met you… you are amazing, CLIHTF is amazing.”

Brad Suster

Brad Suster

Property Owner

“I have been a partner in the Trust Fund for 22-years now, since the very beginning, and I am so happy with this partnership… We have two families that are homeless right now that are moving into this [CLIHTF] property, but this renovation would not have been possible if I didn’t have the Trust Fund as a partner, so I would have that stability.”




“I thank God for you [Annissa Lambirth-Garrett, Executive Director] always pleasant and genuinely concerned, willing to assist even when you’re busy. You are appreciated. Thank you for all you do.”

SNAP Emergency Allotment Update

Click HERE to view this important update on the SNAP, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, and emergency allotment.


Tenant Resources:

Department of Buildings Website: https://data.cityofchicago.org/Buildings/Building-Violations/22u3-xenr/data

2024 Fair Market Rent Rates: https://www.huduser.gov/portal/datasets/fmr/fmrs/FY2024_code/2024summary.odn

Cook County Property Tax Website: https://www.cookcountytreasurer.com/payment.aspx

City of Chicago: Family & Support Services https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/depts/fss.html

TFC Owner Portal

Property owners can access the TFC, Trust Fund Central, owner portal HERE.


Open Enrollment (CLOSED)

Open enrollment is currently closed. Open Enrollment Webinars will resume when Open Enrollment begins. Currently, webinars are ONLY for landlords with existing CLIHTF properties, and service providers.  Interested landlords should continue to check the website for Open Enrollment updates.

Property Owners can request an application by sending an email to, gro.fthilc@ofni.
Intake form for interested participants: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=9imwcmC7p0mlnSJojABEoIi4MRcDmk5Fk8wpRhpvzehUM1BXRUQ1VklZNTI0NFE2TFRNOTJKUlI2My4u

Interested Participant Package for landlords: CLIHTF Introductory Page for Potential Lalndlords


Links to State and City Programs to assist with Rent

IHDA: https://www.ihda.org/about-ihda/illinois-rental-payment-program/

City of Chicago – Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP), for landlords and tenants: https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/depts/doh/provdrs/renters/svcs/emergency-rental-assistance-program.html

City of Chicago – Emergency Relief for Affordable Multifamily Properties (ERAMP), for landlords only: https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/depts/doh/provdrs/landlords/svcs/eramp.html